Friday, May 12, 2006

Juno Nomination?! How did we not know?

I'm going to see Mike Ford (Fordy to his friends and familiars) tomorrow night at Hugh's Room and since he hasn't yet sent out a newsletter, I thought I'd check to see if there was anything new and exciting on his website. Well, apparently I have to pay more attention to what I read cuz I check his site fairly regularly and I've never noticed the Juno post at the bottom of the page.-- Mike's second album Canada Needs You: Volume One was nominated for a Juno this year for Best Children's Album of 2005. Yay! WTG Fordy!!! I wish I'd known at the time cuz I totally would've sent him a congratulatory E-mail. I will definitely mention it tomorrow in any case. Blah, stupid Junos not televising half the awards. I'm sure I miss out on tons of great stuff every year.

I wrote a profile of Mike for my newsreporting class last year and I was supposed to edit it and send it to him but I never did *sheepish look*. Well, it's now over a year overdue. But I'm thinking of pitching it to THIS Magazine so I'm going to attempt to make the first edits today so I can at least give it to him and talk about revamping it for publication.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.