Friday, May 16, 2008

Working woes

 I had a job interview yesterday for the summer position at RyeACCESS, the group that I worked at for four years. For reasons that I probably shouldn't discuss here (yet anyway) I knew I wasn't going to get it. But I guess working there for  so long I couldn't help but be a bit over-confident. I guess I have to practice not putting all my eggs in one basket because I was seriously shocked when they called and turned me down. And I have to say, it's really going to sting for a while yet. I think the job represented a sense of normalcy in my really uncertain life, one more thing that I was hoping to get back after everything that's happened. But everything happens for a reason right? I hope so...

I also applied for a couple of other jobs on campus earlier this month and I'm pretty sure was as good as hired for both of them. Unfortunately they were workstudy jobs though and so because I wasn't in classes last semester they wouldn't give me the funding. But it's not like I just took the semester off for fun. I was in the hospital! I'm hoping I can appeal the decision soon and grab one of the positions before it's too late. 

 Blargh I hate job hunting!  

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