So last week I was rejoicing just as much as the next guy over being able to hop the subway again. But it was too good to be true...for me anyway. I probably should make more of a point of calling the TTC hotline to make sure elevators are working. But I don't, for the same reason I boycott Wheeltrans. I enjoy my freedom and right to be spontaneous gosh darn it! So, as I've been doing three days a week since January, I got on the subway at Union station, rode it up the University line and got off at Queen's Park Station. Everything was fine until I discovered the elevator was broken, GAH!!! Luckily I wasn't alone because otherwise I'd have to get back on the train going in the opposite direction and get off a few stops back at Osgoode Station and then drive my scooter all the way up University Ave. Anyway, so I had to walk up the 5 trillion stairs while my dad took my scooter up the escalator. I used to do it all the time, but boy am I out of shape. It nearly killed me!! And that wasn't the only obstacle, to add insult to injury, the key fell out of my scooter and got stuck in the escalator AAA!!! Other than being willing to eventually push the button to turn off the escalator, the TTC guy refused to help. Fresh off the strike...figures=p. So my dad had to unscrew part of the escalator with a Loonie and try and retrieve my keys. Two broke and my Moxy Fruvous keychain is now in need of a new key ring part (luckily not too worse for wear otherwise though. Wouldn't want to waste all those Frumiles!) but he was miraculously able to get one out intact. I'm not sure what we would've done otherwise, oops! Now I only have one key that I'm treating like gold. I tried to get some more cut the other day but it was too specialized so they wouldn't do it. I'm going to have to order some more from the scooter company. What a hassle!!
The most annoying part is that while I was waiting I noticed at least ten boxes stacked in the corner that were full of elevator parts. They knew it was broken and they didn't even bother to put a sign on the door, ARG!!
The elevator was broken at Union Station a few days later and when we told the guy in the booth about it all he did was vaguely respond with a dumb "again?" Blah, drives me up the wall! I hardly ever meet broken elevators, and now two in the same week. What's going on?
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