Thursday, May 01, 2008

Back!...Hopefully for good this time!

I know I promised way back in November that I'd update this blog more regularly and I apologize for not doing so. But I had a legitimate reason...I promise!
I'll try and spare you most of the gruesome details. But a long story short, around Christmastime the health problems that I'd been dealing with for the better part of the year caused me to have to make a few trips to the Emergency room for platelet transfusions. In January things took a turn for the worst and I was rushed to hospital and was admitted for almost a month. Since then I've been having out-patient treatments (platelet transfusions three times a week) and have tried a number of other drugs in hopes that something will do the trick. They're not quite sure what's wrong but the doctor thinks it's likely an ITP-type disorder where basically the immune system becomes overactive and attacks platelets as if they are foreign cells. They think this was likely caused by the bad flu that I got in September and they're confident that it's just a waiting game with an ending that's impossible to predict.   

I unfortunately had to drop out of school after Christmas. But, despite the fact that I'm still having transfusions three times a week and am on enough medication to kill a horse=p, I'm starting summer classes this Tuesday and will be back on the road to graduation (take 2!) in September. From the ages of 6-18 I had weekly platelet transfusions and though it was *mostly* easier than my current situation, I think it prepared me for what's going on now. I think if I hadn't already experienced this in some capacity, I wouldn't now how to deal with it. I've gotten into a bit of a routine now and the doctors and nurses are all really great. So though it sucks, it's not so bad now. I just wish I could get more than one day between transfusions.--I'm dying to travel! But for now I'll do my best to document my summer 2008 adventures in the T-dot. Now if we could just get the nice weather back!

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