Back to the Grindstone
Just a quickie to say that I'm once again employed...well, for the next five weeks anyway. After that it's up to the powers that be and this year's available funding to decide if RyeACCESS is in the cards for me for a third year in a row. But for now I get to play Orientation Coordinator.--Wear my RSU T-shirt with pride and promote my cause to the newbies and the unaware. So far (6 hours) it's been fun...minus the broken desk drawer and the malfunctioning FileMaker Pro database. My four partners in crime I either know already, which is nice, or seem pretty cool and I'm liking Alex (My supervisor) in this new role I think. I'm going to give it a bit more time before I make my professional decision. It's only the first day afterall. I'm trying not to let myself get overwhelmed just yet but the sudden thrust into productivity after over a month of doing next to nothing is a bit of a shock to my system. I've apparently got two days to attend 4 info sessions, complete all of the office tasks that need doing, prepare all of my promotional materials and tabling stuff for next week's FROSH activities, and provide all of the Student Services with printed material. Not to mention the fact that I was already let in on a meeting with the ACCESS Centre and asked to speak at their event next Wednesday...My head a splode!!The good news is that aside from a few early mornings and a lot of setting up of tables, next week will just be a lot of volunteer recruitment in the Quad, which usually doesn't require too much energy. It also looks like the events that are printed on our postcard this year might actually happen since the person who planned them is still there...woo! My biggest surprise though is that they've FINALLY managed to secure an accessible desk! After two years it's finally coming! Don't get me wrong mind you, I'll believe it when I see it. But the fact that it's supposedly on it's way is super exciting. ...I'm also in the handbook and the pamphlet again. Looking significantly better than last year I might add!
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