Is John Mayer really dating Jessica Simpson? Of all people, come on?!!! He just seems so much cooler than that....EEEWWW!!! Is it a Southern thing? All I can say is they better not start doing duets together!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
It's not an indie rock show unless there's at least one half naked guy in a skirt!
I really should go to bed but it's just one of those nights that despite the fact that it's 2:15, I'm wide awake. It seems most of my posts are written late at night anyway so I guess this is as good a time as any. This weekend was an unexpected delight.--I FINALLY discovered some new music for a change. Harbourfront was hosting the IndieUNLIMITED festival and as many of the bands had been reccommended by Mr. Radio, J-Gho himself, I decided to go down and join the hipsters. I'd seen a couple of the members of the Hidden Cameras (billed as the entire band for some reason) at the Andy Kim Christmas show of all places and...though they had potential, I couldn't quite figure out what all the hype was about. Even though we were forced by the rather large crowd, to stand extreme stage right where all we could see was the back of the band and where the vocals were muffled, they were still an act totally worth writing home about. Clearly the flaw before was the fact that there were only two members. Similar to a group like Broken Social Scene they had several members (like possibly 10+...I didn't actually count) with several glockenspeils, violin, viola, piano, bass, guitar, drums, keyboard, cello etc. They've been dubbed "Gay Church Folk Music". I'm not exactly sure what that means but whatever it is, it's good. Kind of a mixture of power-pop and mellow folky I guess? Their new album 'AWOO', which I highly recommend might be more helpful when trying to define their genre. Bottom line, their set made me realize that I don't go to enough fun indie rock shows anymore. The days of Carnations shows and indie rock boys seemed so far away all of a sudden. Sure I still catch the ocasional Meligrove Band and Cuff the Duke shows, and those Carnations boys aren't exactly out of my life. Far from it in fact. It's just that Small Sins shows seem subdued in comparison. Last night just made me realize that there just aren't enough shows in my life where in a wink of an eye there's a full on dance party on stage with members of almost every hipster band from here to Montreal. Oh yeah, it's just not an indie rock show unless there's at least one half naked guy in a skirt.=)
Afterwards I headed over to the Lakeside Terrace, the "after hours" area I guess you could say, to see Spiral Beach. I've seen these kids a few times now and they're always a lot of fun. But after their behaviour at the MIT-City show that they played (let's just say the fact that they're 15 shone through like a beacon) it's getting harder and harder to overlook their age for their talent. They've been getting a TON of critical acclaim in the past year or so and it seems everyone who's in tune with the Toronto indie scene has heard of them by now. You'd think they'd have gotten some sort of stage banter perfected as a result but, hmm...nope! At first the fact that the stuff they talked about on stage was (juvinile to say the least) was kind of endearing. But now it's just annoying! Granted most people go to their shows to dance and are probably too drunk to care what their talking about. I'll admit that it's pretty hard to stand still when they're playing but hey, some of us actually come for the show. So if they're planning on really following in their big shot parents' footsteps, the fact that they can put together a snappy powerpop tune isn't going to hold up forever. Grow up I say! What has to be pointed out as most obsurd though, was that while nobody in the line escaped being carded the 15-year-old band-members were openly drinking on stage. Oy, does being an indie hipster even give you leagal priviledges?
This afternoon was a little more mellow.--The Hylozoists, a purely instrumental medley, again on the larger side, made up of members of Cuff the Duke, The Weakerthans, and just about every Canadian indie band there is. They are the Ultimate! They also have a cool philosophy "Traditionally, hylozoism is the belief that all matter holds life. Evidently, these Hylozoists believe every available minute bears opportunity," I like that. I'm not really into the instrumental thing but this is an exception for sure. I'll let you all read and listen for yourselves on the link above but, they're just...really cool! Nothing like funky instrumentals and Wayne Petti on a Sunday afternoon. Did I mention that there will be some CD shopping happening tomorrow?
I also spent most of the afternoon on Saturday finishing off the first season of Veronica Mars. Okay, you've got me. I'm hooked! Kat, you were right, it's totally about the characters! Though I was eagerly watching it about half way through, it was the last 4 or 5 episodes that really drew me in. I'm a sucker for love stories, what can I say=). I won't go into detail in case anyone else dcides to go the Mars route too, but wow, the last little bit was SO good! I watched the first and second episodes of the second season tonight and I can't say I'm exactly thrilled about the way her love life is headed but we'll see...I might warm up to this one.
Afterwards I headed over to the Lakeside Terrace, the "after hours" area I guess you could say, to see Spiral Beach. I've seen these kids a few times now and they're always a lot of fun. But after their behaviour at the MIT-City show that they played (let's just say the fact that they're 15 shone through like a beacon) it's getting harder and harder to overlook their age for their talent. They've been getting a TON of critical acclaim in the past year or so and it seems everyone who's in tune with the Toronto indie scene has heard of them by now. You'd think they'd have gotten some sort of stage banter perfected as a result but, hmm...nope! At first the fact that the stuff they talked about on stage was (juvinile to say the least) was kind of endearing. But now it's just annoying! Granted most people go to their shows to dance and are probably too drunk to care what their talking about. I'll admit that it's pretty hard to stand still when they're playing but hey, some of us actually come for the show. So if they're planning on really following in their big shot parents' footsteps, the fact that they can put together a snappy powerpop tune isn't going to hold up forever. Grow up I say! What has to be pointed out as most obsurd though, was that while nobody in the line escaped being carded the 15-year-old band-members were openly drinking on stage. Oy, does being an indie hipster even give you leagal priviledges?
This afternoon was a little more mellow.--The Hylozoists, a purely instrumental medley, again on the larger side, made up of members of Cuff the Duke, The Weakerthans, and just about every Canadian indie band there is. They are the Ultimate! They also have a cool philosophy "Traditionally, hylozoism is the belief that all matter holds life. Evidently, these Hylozoists believe every available minute bears opportunity," I like that. I'm not really into the instrumental thing but this is an exception for sure. I'll let you all read and listen for yourselves on the link above but, they're just...really cool! Nothing like funky instrumentals and Wayne Petti on a Sunday afternoon. Did I mention that there will be some CD shopping happening tomorrow?
I also spent most of the afternoon on Saturday finishing off the first season of Veronica Mars. Okay, you've got me. I'm hooked! Kat, you were right, it's totally about the characters! Though I was eagerly watching it about half way through, it was the last 4 or 5 episodes that really drew me in. I'm a sucker for love stories, what can I say=). I won't go into detail in case anyone else dcides to go the Mars route too, but wow, the last little bit was SO good! I watched the first and second episodes of the second season tonight and I can't say I'm exactly thrilled about the way her love life is headed but we'll see...I might warm up to this one.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
My name in print!
My article is finally out. We got our delivery of the new issue at work today and there it was on pg.41-42. Getting to see it in print was a little anti-climactic after such a long time, especially after already getting to see the layout, but I'm officially a published journalist...woo! I can provide a few copies to those who are interested since we have quite a few at work. But it's generally available on most newsstands. Chapters/Indigo I know for sure.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Back to the Grindstone

The good news is that aside from a few early mornings and a lot of setting up of tables, next week will just be a lot of volunteer recruitment in the Quad, which usually doesn't require too much energy. It also looks like the events that are printed on our postcard this year might actually happen since the person who planned them is still there...woo! My biggest surprise though is that they've FINALLY managed to secure an accessible desk! After two years it's finally coming! Don't get me wrong mind you, I'll believe it when I see it. But the fact that it's supposedly on it's way is super exciting.
...I'm also in the handbook and the pamphlet again. Looking significantly better than last year I might add!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
John Mayer, MOD Club 8/21/2006
As promised here are the pics from last night's John Mayer concert. I decided I didn't want to wait till I could get my hands on another copy of my camera driver software. I wanted to see these pics on a larger scale than my camera's LCD screen will allow so I decided to just get Black's to stick them on a CD for me. Unfortunately it seems that I can only post so many pics per Blog entry so I picked my favourites...

....I see London, I see France, I see Johnny's underpants!
...If I had any doubts that last night actually happened, I don't now. On my way out the door this morning I looked down and lying on my scooter was one of John's guitar picks!! One of the roadies tossed a few of the extras into the audience before he started breaking down the gear. The girl beside me said she thought one had fallen into my basket, but we couldn't find it. I guess it just fell through the basket and we couldn't see the black on black in the dark. I'm amazed that it stayed there all the way home. Unfortunately it's not one of the ones that John threw personally but it's pretty darn cool.--It says John on one side and has a portrait of him on the other=).

Monday, August 21, 2006
His Body is a Wonderland...OH BABY!!
CAUTION: Being less than a foot away from John Mayer for two hours will turn you into a puddle of goo!
...They say the third time's a charm but in this case it was the fourth....A few weeks ago they announced that John Mayer was doing a Toronto show, which was very exciting. However, not long after I found out that it was an exclusive fanclub show. I have a big problem with having to pay money to be considered somebody's fan. So unfortunately I didn't have the "priviledge" of buying tickets to this particular show. But, when I found out that it was at the MOD Club instead of the usual HUGE venues that he plays (Molson Ampitheatre, the ACC or the Kool Haus) I REALLY wanted to be there! So I went down to the MOD Club tonight only to find out that there were no tickets at all.--Nobody had any extras and the waiting list for any tickets that John's VIPs weren't using, was already overflowing. I put my name on the list anyway but only four tickets for 30+ people were released. I was about to leave when one of the girls who was handling the list flagged me down saying that her mom had an extra ticket! She could've sold it to anyone but once again my pitty-points came through in my favour. Yeah disability perks!
About half an hour before doors I asked if I could use the bathroom inside the venue. Not only could I hear the soundcheck (AWESOME!) I came out just as they were finished, so they let me in early and I proceeded to plunk myself right smack in front of John's mic. I was expecting his fans to be really annoying teenyboppers but I actually met some really cool people. Most people were cool except for the psych girl towards the end that is. During the last couple of songs this crazy girl roughly pushed her way up to the front and proceeded to stand right in front of the girls who had been there for the whole set and with a crazy look on her face numerously gave John the finger! It was so bizarre...and creepy!! Luckily she went back to where she came from after a while.
Unfortunately they were about half an hour late starting the show but when they did...OMG!!! I honestly think it was by far the best show I've seen all summer...quite possibly one of my favourites ever! I've seen him 3 other times but somehow being close enough to touch him made the music so much more intense. Being close enough to just sit there and watch him play guitar is just incredible! You can see him entering into another state and jamming. He can seriously play like nobody's business! And he's just SO pretty! Oy, let me tell ya, it wasn't just the lights that were makin' me sweat! The undulating...oh my the undulating...and the FACE MELTING SOLOS!!!
He was quite quiet as far as banter tonight, I remember him being more vocal in the past. "I've learned not to talk when tuning" he told us. But he did have a couple of cute exchanges with loudmouth audience members.
Loud Guy: "John play wheel so I can die happy!"
John: Who's dying?"
LG: "I will if you don't play Wheel"
JM: "What kind of incentive is that for me to play a song?"
LG: "Okay, I won't die!"
JM: "Then I won't play it. Ha! I gotcha!"
....You kind of had to be there but it was funny=).
...He still hasn't filled in the last square on the T-shirt tattoo yet=).
I'm really excited for the new album. He did the single "Waiting on the World to Change" and a few others. I think it's going to be a really good mixed album, with a nice combination of the Room for Squares pop and the new more bluesy stuff. The new material is really good but they did mostly old stuff, which was great..."Clarity", "Daughters","Something's Missing", "Why Georgia", "My Stupid Mouth", "Not Myself" etc.
It was my lucky day! Best $50 I ever spent! GFan Club shmanclub. In your face, I found a loophole!The only thing that sucked about the night was that he only signed posters for the people on the other side of the stage...grr!
I got some great pictures. I'll post them as soon as I can get my camera software up and running again. I'm working on it!
...They say the third time's a charm but in this case it was the fourth....A few weeks ago they announced that John Mayer was doing a Toronto show, which was very exciting. However, not long after I found out that it was an exclusive fanclub show. I have a big problem with having to pay money to be considered somebody's fan. So unfortunately I didn't have the "priviledge" of buying tickets to this particular show. But, when I found out that it was at the MOD Club instead of the usual HUGE venues that he plays (Molson Ampitheatre, the ACC or the Kool Haus) I REALLY wanted to be there! So I went down to the MOD Club tonight only to find out that there were no tickets at all.--Nobody had any extras and the waiting list for any tickets that John's VIPs weren't using, was already overflowing. I put my name on the list anyway but only four tickets for 30+ people were released. I was about to leave when one of the girls who was handling the list flagged me down saying that her mom had an extra ticket! She could've sold it to anyone but once again my pitty-points came through in my favour. Yeah disability perks!
About half an hour before doors I asked if I could use the bathroom inside the venue. Not only could I hear the soundcheck (AWESOME!) I came out just as they were finished, so they let me in early and I proceeded to plunk myself right smack in front of John's mic. I was expecting his fans to be really annoying teenyboppers but I actually met some really cool people. Most people were cool except for the psych girl towards the end that is. During the last couple of songs this crazy girl roughly pushed her way up to the front and proceeded to stand right in front of the girls who had been there for the whole set and with a crazy look on her face numerously gave John the finger! It was so bizarre...and creepy!! Luckily she went back to where she came from after a while.
Unfortunately they were about half an hour late starting the show but when they did...OMG!!! I honestly think it was by far the best show I've seen all summer...quite possibly one of my favourites ever! I've seen him 3 other times but somehow being close enough to touch him made the music so much more intense. Being close enough to just sit there and watch him play guitar is just incredible! You can see him entering into another state and jamming. He can seriously play like nobody's business! And he's just SO pretty! Oy, let me tell ya, it wasn't just the lights that were makin' me sweat! The undulating...oh my the undulating...and the FACE MELTING SOLOS!!!
He was quite quiet as far as banter tonight, I remember him being more vocal in the past. "I've learned not to talk when tuning" he told us. But he did have a couple of cute exchanges with loudmouth audience members.
Loud Guy: "John play wheel so I can die happy!"
John: Who's dying?"
LG: "I will if you don't play Wheel"
JM: "What kind of incentive is that for me to play a song?"
LG: "Okay, I won't die!"
JM: "Then I won't play it. Ha! I gotcha!"
....You kind of had to be there but it was funny=).
...He still hasn't filled in the last square on the T-shirt tattoo yet=).
I'm really excited for the new album. He did the single "Waiting on the World to Change" and a few others. I think it's going to be a really good mixed album, with a nice combination of the Room for Squares pop and the new more bluesy stuff. The new material is really good but they did mostly old stuff, which was great..."Clarity", "Daughters","Something's Missing", "Why Georgia", "My Stupid Mouth", "Not Myself" etc.
It was my lucky day! Best $50 I ever spent! GFan Club shmanclub. In your face, I found a loophole!The only thing that sucked about the night was that he only signed posters for the people on the other side of the stage...grr!
I got some great pictures. I'll post them as soon as I can get my camera software up and running again. I'm working on it!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Sadly, Soraya Jackson passed away in the early morning on Thursday August 17th. She is said to have passed peacefully after her long battle. The benefit will still take place to celebrate her young life and help ease the family's financial burden. Be there if you can!
...Condolences to Luther and his family
...Condolences to Luther and his family
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Fruvous lives!
Okay, okay, maybe we haven't seen more than 3 of them together in one room for over 5 years...and even I'm beginning to use a past tense when talking about our beloved foursome...but I couldn't resist a quick mention of the fact that I was just informed that "I Will Hold On" was being played in the framing section at IKEA yesterday. I was excited when the Drake was playing a little Bargainville in the summer of first year (the last time I was treated to anything radio-like related to Fruvous) but the Drake is a hipster Queen West Hotel that probably has a few employees who would be old enough to remember the good old days...hardly a big box store. I'd like to think it's a sign. But for now I'll stick to getting used to past tense. Especially since, despite my noticing the fact that IKEA definitely has a soundtrack that's on the cooler side, there was no Fruvous at IKEA during my shelving shopping-spree a mere two days before.
Out of sheer boredom I jumped on the Veronica Mars bandwagon tonight. A couple of my friends have been raving about it since it fact, there hasn't been a time yet where it hasn't come up in conversation when we've all been together. They burned season 1 for me to take with me to NYU last summer, but there just wasn't enough lonely dorm room nights to start watching it. I'm not sure why I've neglected to start watching it since. I've caught a few minutes here and there on TV and wasn't really impressed. But perhaps I should give it the benefit of the doubt...beyond a few minutes.
I watched episodes 1 and 2 tonight and I didn't hate it. I don't see where the popularity comes from yet but maybe that comes later. I can't quite get past the fact that it has an uncanny resemblance to all of the bad teenybopper "dramas" on YTV or the family channel...that, except that in the first episode they were already tackling the *adult* subjects that only come up in the night-time favourites. Perhaps that's what gives the show it's appeal? The quirky flip-flop between highschool and adulthood. It has a certain Dawson's Creek charm to it I guess. Thank goodness we get to escape the same level of academic-speak that came from 30 year-olds who were unsuccessfully trying to pull off characters half their age but at the same time that unrealistic highschool ideal is painfully apparent. It's safe to say that that's TV Land for ya though.
Despite my misgivings I'm strangely intrigued. I think I'm going to give it a few more episodes....
On a completely unrelated note...Luther Creek (Roger in the Canadian cast of Rent and Mark in the touring cast) along with several other past and present Rent castmembers and members of the Broadway community are putting on a benefit for Luther Creek's nine-year-old niece Soraya Jackson who has been battling brain cancer for the past year. Please visit for more information and if any of you are in the New York area and can drop by the Cutting Room on August 27th, $25 is not a lot if it will do anything to help a sick child and her family. I'm not sure if there is anything that those of us who can't make it to the benefit can do to help but people have been commenting on the site asking where they can send donations and such so hopefully they will let us know. But if nothing else, kind words speak volumes so leave a comment on the site if you feel so inclined. I haven't yet but I think I might sidestep my usual aversion to leaving comments for celebrities and do so.
As a handful of my friends know, there is a special place for Luther Creek in this little Renthead's heart. It's slightly tacky to be promoting this event in this case, I know. But I stumbled upon the sad news by accident the other day and maybe it's the fangirlish memories of waiting outside the stage door at the Royal Alex way back in the days of grade 8 for a certain blonde rollerblader that make my feelings all the more apparent but it's hard not to feel for Luther and his family. It has to be said...this is why we have to remember "No day but today!" I really do hope Soraya can beat it!
I watched episodes 1 and 2 tonight and I didn't hate it. I don't see where the popularity comes from yet but maybe that comes later. I can't quite get past the fact that it has an uncanny resemblance to all of the bad teenybopper "dramas" on YTV or the family channel...that, except that in the first episode they were already tackling the *adult* subjects that only come up in the night-time favourites. Perhaps that's what gives the show it's appeal? The quirky flip-flop between highschool and adulthood. It has a certain Dawson's Creek charm to it I guess. Thank goodness we get to escape the same level of academic-speak that came from 30 year-olds who were unsuccessfully trying to pull off characters half their age but at the same time that unrealistic highschool ideal is painfully apparent. It's safe to say that that's TV Land for ya though.
Despite my misgivings I'm strangely intrigued. I think I'm going to give it a few more episodes....
On a completely unrelated note...Luther Creek (Roger in the Canadian cast of Rent and Mark in the touring cast) along with several other past and present Rent castmembers and members of the Broadway community are putting on a benefit for Luther Creek's nine-year-old niece Soraya Jackson who has been battling brain cancer for the past year. Please visit for more information and if any of you are in the New York area and can drop by the Cutting Room on August 27th, $25 is not a lot if it will do anything to help a sick child and her family. I'm not sure if there is anything that those of us who can't make it to the benefit can do to help but people have been commenting on the site asking where they can send donations and such so hopefully they will let us know. But if nothing else, kind words speak volumes so leave a comment on the site if you feel so inclined. I haven't yet but I think I might sidestep my usual aversion to leaving comments for celebrities and do so.
As a handful of my friends know, there is a special place for Luther Creek in this little Renthead's heart. It's slightly tacky to be promoting this event in this case, I know. But I stumbled upon the sad news by accident the other day and maybe it's the fangirlish memories of waiting outside the stage door at the Royal Alex way back in the days of grade 8 for a certain blonde rollerblader that make my feelings all the more apparent but it's hard not to feel for Luther and his family. It has to be said...this is why we have to remember "No day but today!" I really do hope Soraya can beat it!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Boo, I'm lapsing into a pattern of infrequent posts again. Truthfully it's really been due to the lack of things to post about...I am SO looking forward to going back to school! This summer has suddenly started to feel VERY long. But I got an E-mail the other day asking me to apply again to be orientation coordinator for RyeACCESS. The application deadline is supposed to be August 17th. So I'm hoping to hear about it fairly soon. Unfortunately it's only a 5 week contract but it generally leads to the full-year position, and either way it will be nice to have an income again.
My article should be out any day now. They never did give me a specific date beyond "sometime at the end of August" but they've already sent out the topic for the next issues, so I'm assuming it'll be out soon. I'd like to pitch to the next issue, but they've only allowed about 5 days before the deadline (this publication is EXTREMELY disorganized if I haven't mentioned it already) and I know very little about adaptive technology so coming up with a story in such a short time might be close to impossible.
Against my better judgment I skipped Kevin Hearn's CD release on Wednesday to go check out Chris Brown & Kate Fenner. My friend Elyse is absolutely obsessed and as she's been raving about them for years, I decided it was time to go see them. It was a good excuse to see Elyse too (it had been WAY too long). Unfortunately it wasn't as fun as it could've been though. First of all the doors ended up being more than an hour later then we thought so my friend that I was with decided that the $15 cover was too expensive for the short amount of time that she could then be at the show. So she ended up leaving and I reluctantly paid the $15, which I regretted slightly later on. It was nice to see Elyse but she was with a bunch of her friends that I didn't know, and a noisy club isn't exactly the easiest place to get to know people. So most of the night was more anti-social than anything, which was a shame, and I'm sorry to have to report that I REALLY didn't like Chris Brown & Kate Fenner. I wanted to, I really did! They are very talented musicians but I just didn't find anything particularly special about them. There were a couple of political tunes that were pretty good but Chris Brown was mostly pretty dull and though Kate Fenner has a good voice, it was kind of shrill on the high notes. She's also scarrily skinny, which I found a little hard to watch. I find it really hard to believe that she just had a baby. Elyse has a huge crush on each his own I guess=p. The funny thing was that Elyse's friend told me that she's been dragged to see them a million times but she doesn't really get them either. Apparently Elyse saw them years ago at some festival and totally fell in love, but all of her friends were puzzled as to why. I totally understand the love for a band that people don't get, so I guess I shouldn't talk. But, I don't get it! Elyse has a tattoo of some of their song lyrics so after the show she showed it to them and they apparently serenaded her acoustically. A huge highlight obviously...she was all giggly for the rest of the night *hehe*.
Went to Major Maker's CD release on Friday night. They get better and better each time I see them. Lindy has even almost gotten the scary falsettos under control=). I was also quite pleased to find that Lindy is actually on the ball, and that my copy of the CD (sent by some guy with bad writing and a LONG Icelandic name *hehe*) was waiting in my mailbox. There was also multitudes of free buttons on each table, which we took advantage of. It was a very strange show though. Usually the band that is having the CD release plays last. But in this case Major Maker played second...very weird, so we ended up just leaving after their set...without stories of Tommy-boy's The first band that was on was called Stirling and in the dark the frontman had quite a resemblance to Thom. He was wearing a suit, which should've been our first clue. But we spent a good 10 or 15 minutes going, "Why is Thom wearing a suit? Is that Thom? It is him! Wait, no it's not." The guy was also too tall and his nose was too big but he does a mean hair-flip that definitely rivals Thom's=). Sterling was boring but the frontnan was pretty so it was okay *hehe*.
BTW, can anyone think of guy's names that start with 'K'? ;)
My article should be out any day now. They never did give me a specific date beyond "sometime at the end of August" but they've already sent out the topic for the next issues, so I'm assuming it'll be out soon. I'd like to pitch to the next issue, but they've only allowed about 5 days before the deadline (this publication is EXTREMELY disorganized if I haven't mentioned it already) and I know very little about adaptive technology so coming up with a story in such a short time might be close to impossible.
Against my better judgment I skipped Kevin Hearn's CD release on Wednesday to go check out Chris Brown & Kate Fenner. My friend Elyse is absolutely obsessed and as she's been raving about them for years, I decided it was time to go see them. It was a good excuse to see Elyse too (it had been WAY too long). Unfortunately it wasn't as fun as it could've been though. First of all the doors ended up being more than an hour later then we thought so my friend that I was with decided that the $15 cover was too expensive for the short amount of time that she could then be at the show. So she ended up leaving and I reluctantly paid the $15, which I regretted slightly later on. It was nice to see Elyse but she was with a bunch of her friends that I didn't know, and a noisy club isn't exactly the easiest place to get to know people. So most of the night was more anti-social than anything, which was a shame, and I'm sorry to have to report that I REALLY didn't like Chris Brown & Kate Fenner. I wanted to, I really did! They are very talented musicians but I just didn't find anything particularly special about them. There were a couple of political tunes that were pretty good but Chris Brown was mostly pretty dull and though Kate Fenner has a good voice, it was kind of shrill on the high notes. She's also scarrily skinny, which I found a little hard to watch. I find it really hard to believe that she just had a baby. Elyse has a huge crush on each his own I guess=p. The funny thing was that Elyse's friend told me that she's been dragged to see them a million times but she doesn't really get them either. Apparently Elyse saw them years ago at some festival and totally fell in love, but all of her friends were puzzled as to why. I totally understand the love for a band that people don't get, so I guess I shouldn't talk. But, I don't get it! Elyse has a tattoo of some of their song lyrics so after the show she showed it to them and they apparently serenaded her acoustically. A huge highlight obviously...she was all giggly for the rest of the night *hehe*.
Went to Major Maker's CD release on Friday night. They get better and better each time I see them. Lindy has even almost gotten the scary falsettos under control=). I was also quite pleased to find that Lindy is actually on the ball, and that my copy of the CD (sent by some guy with bad writing and a LONG Icelandic name *hehe*) was waiting in my mailbox. There was also multitudes of free buttons on each table, which we took advantage of. It was a very strange show though. Usually the band that is having the CD release plays last. But in this case Major Maker played second...very weird, so we ended up just leaving after their set...without stories of Tommy-boy's The first band that was on was called Stirling and in the dark the frontman had quite a resemblance to Thom. He was wearing a suit, which should've been our first clue. But we spent a good 10 or 15 minutes going, "Why is Thom wearing a suit? Is that Thom? It is him! Wait, no it's not." The guy was also too tall and his nose was too big but he does a mean hair-flip that definitely rivals Thom's=). Sterling was boring but the frontnan was pretty so it was okay *hehe*.
BTW, can anyone think of guy's names that start with 'K'? ;)
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