Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The War on...fun?

I had to be up at a half-decent hour this morning so I turned on Sounds Like Canada...for the first time this summer...oops! Anyway, I had to laugh because given the recently passed Canada Day, and it being the 4th of July, the show was about nationalism. True to character good ol' Ji-Lo was challenging his interviewee to his usual down home, Canadian mom 'n'pop business argument. He was on his regular winning track until the other guy made the point tthat regardless of how grassroots the business is, they no doubt get their products and or produce from elsewhere...i.e. our "evil" neighbours to the South, therefore there is no way of completely consuming and supporting only Canadian content. Jian cut him off when he started on the advantages of Wall Mart (can't say I blame him), but the other guy was making some pretty convincing arguments that totally burned Mr. Starbucks...bad!

I only had time to listen to a couple of segments but the second one was an interview with Western Standard editor Ezra Levant about his new book The War on Fun. Yikes! Right-wingers freak me out! I must say this guy was so over the top that I am slightly tempted to actually read his book however. Without reading his book (not that I'm sure I'll be convinced afterwards either) he came off as a bit of a quack. But basically the premise of the book is explained here--Keep in mind that this is a review that is obviously in favour of the book, so it's biases will be clear. Once I read the book I'll let you know if I'm my leftest tendencies are swayed to the right and I'm led to believe that my SUV and fast food liberties are being denied. Quite a far-fetched idea in any case. To say the least, a guy who was admittedly sitting in his Hummer, ranting about how the environmental concerns about SUVs are just an attempt to trample our rights to the car of our choice, was good for a laugh. Needless to say the comment that was made shortly after summed it all up..."Gee, a right-wing thinker from Alberta...What a surprise!"

1 comment:

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