Saturday, July 19, 2008

Platelets, Streetcars...If I had $1,000,000 I'd buy you some cocaine

   Lots today...

   First, something that really should've gotten it's very own post, but oh well! On Monday (July 14th) I passed the one month transfusion-free mark and am officially into the second month with NO TRANSFUSIONS, woo!!!!!! I had to laugh today. I was reading a book this morning and they were talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and how it would be nice if she could find a boyfriend that "didn't have to drink platelets" *hehe* not blood, platelets! 

I'm also able to FINALLY get to escape this city for a while, so I'm cashing in my Christmas present at long last and taking off to New York in August. I CAN"T WAIT!!!! 

 Second, I just found out about THIS.  I knew it was too good to be true. I know it's not really the TTC's fault, but typical TTC, I swear UGH!! I wonder if I'l ever get to ride a streetcar in Toronto in my lifetime. 2025 huh? Yeah right! Like I've said all along AODA Committee, I'll believe it when I see it!! 

 And lastly, I know this has already been talked about to death everywhere else, but I can't help but touch on it too. I'm sad, what is with Steve Page man?  Sure, lots of people are sticking by him, including the rest of the band apparently, and I know there's always two sides to every story, but wtf? I mean he's Steve Page, frontman for Barenaked Ladies of all things. They're the wholesomest, Canadian, family men I can think of. Or so I thought. I mean they just put out a kids album for God sakes!!  I hope he can kick it... 

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