Saturday, July 19, 2008

Platelets, Streetcars...If I had $1,000,000 I'd buy you some cocaine

   Lots today...

   First, something that really should've gotten it's very own post, but oh well! On Monday (July 14th) I passed the one month transfusion-free mark and am officially into the second month with NO TRANSFUSIONS, woo!!!!!! I had to laugh today. I was reading a book this morning and they were talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and how it would be nice if she could find a boyfriend that "didn't have to drink platelets" *hehe* not blood, platelets! 

I'm also able to FINALLY get to escape this city for a while, so I'm cashing in my Christmas present at long last and taking off to New York in August. I CAN"T WAIT!!!! 

 Second, I just found out about THIS.  I knew it was too good to be true. I know it's not really the TTC's fault, but typical TTC, I swear UGH!! I wonder if I'l ever get to ride a streetcar in Toronto in my lifetime. 2025 huh? Yeah right! Like I've said all along AODA Committee, I'll believe it when I see it!! 

 And lastly, I know this has already been talked about to death everywhere else, but I can't help but touch on it too. I'm sad, what is with Steve Page man?  Sure, lots of people are sticking by him, including the rest of the band apparently, and I know there's always two sides to every story, but wtf? I mean he's Steve Page, frontman for Barenaked Ladies of all things. They're the wholesomest, Canadian, family men I can think of. Or so I thought. I mean they just put out a kids album for God sakes!!  I hope he can kick it... 

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh how I love GBS!

  Okay so obviously I knew I liked them or else I wouldn't have gone to the show, but I forgot just how MUCH I LOVE Great Big Sea live! I waited till the last minute to get tickets because save for a couple of songs, I'm really not super impressed with their new album, Fortunes Favour. But, just as I suspected, the new songs redeemed themselves live and the night turned out to be the perfect mix of old classics and new ditties. Even the miserable weather cleared up by the time they went on. And I got my Alan Doyle fix. Many don't understand it...I don't really understand it completely myself=p, but I'm a total Alan girl, through and through=). And of course Mur-man, who Alan introduced: "He sings the bass, he plays the bass, he is the bass." I've never thought about it, but it's very true. I like it!=) And that verse of Scolding Wife...gotta love that! They're apparently going on this Fortune's Favour tour until May '09, so hopefully they'll be back through town again soon. I'm really kicking myself now for not at least trying to get into their "secret" Toronto show the other night. Oh well!  

 Joel Plaskett opened the show and I feel a bit bad about it, but after a couple of songs I opted to go on a food/bathroom run rather than sit and listen. I don't know what it was. He's been awesome the other 3 times I've seen him, but then he's been the headliner in a small club and the energy has been very different. Somehow he just wasn't making it for me in the huge venue=(. I suppose it had a lot to do with the fact that very few people were actually listening because they were milling around trying to find their seats and or deciding what kind of $10 beer they were going to get.  I really do hate Molson Ampitheatre=p. 

 The best part of the show was perhaps the most random part though. Strangely enough Hawksley Workman produced GBS' new album. I saw him in the crowd earlier on in the show and figured it made sense that he was there. But they brought him up on stage during the encore and he did his own song Safe and Sound, which was AWESOME since I haven't seen him live in forever because the last time I was supposed to see him live, the God of Winter decided to snow us all in=(. The other guys sang backup, which was kind of surreal because I still can't help but think they're a really weird pairing, but somehow it just made it that much more awesome=p.  I love randomness...